
Two Views on Women in Ministry is unavailable, but you can change that!

What does the Bible say about women’s roles in the church? This book furnishes you with a clear and thorough presentation of the two primary views on women in ministry so you can better understand each one’s strengths, weaknesses, and complexities. Each view—egalitarian and complementarian—is represented by two contributors.

of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” and then called the female “wo-man” (ʾiššâ), for she was “taken out of man” (mēʾîš; 2:23). There is also sameness of function. Both male and female are commanded to exercise dominion over the earth—to “rule over” all of it (1:26, 28) and to “subdue” it (v. 28). The language is significant. The Hebrew term rādâ (“rule”) is used twenty-two times in the OT of human dominion (e.g., Ps. 110:2; Isa. 14:2, 6). The Hebrew word kābaš (“subdue”) occurs fifteen times
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